
Rubbish or debris in lakes and streams

You can report rubbish in water or debris that is blocking the flow of water and causing flooding.

We don’t remove fallen tree branches or water vegetation. This is a natural occurrence and provides a valuable habitat for fish and other animals. We will remove branches and vegetation if they are causing a serious flooding risk.

Report rubbish or debris in water in parks or open areas

Lakes and streams not in parks or open areas

If the lake or stream is not in a park or open area, please contact the relevant department to let us know about rubbish or debris:

Algae blooms

Algae blooms are thick green pond weed. It is a natural occurrence during the warm summer weather and we don’t remove it from lakes or streams.

If in doubt contact the .

Lifebelts and throwing aids

We check lifebelts and throwing aids every day. Please phone us on 464 8728 to let us know if one is missing.