
Revised Edgbaston Reservoir Masterplan Consultation

Adopted Edgbaston Reservoir Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document

The Edgbaston Reservoir Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was adopted by Cabinet on 11 October 2022. This is the city council’s vision and framework to deliver the growth agenda set out in the 澳门天下彩 Development Plan and safeguard Edgbaston Reservoir for future generations.

The SPD provides a clear vision and principles to protect and enhance the natural and historic environment and inform future investment at the reservoir.

It will be an important material consideration in determining planning applications in the area.

Edgbaston Reservoir Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document

Adoption Statement

The council has published an Adoption Statement which provides details of adoption, where the document can be viewed and rights of challenge.

Edgbaston Reservoir Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document - Adoption Statement

Consultation Statement

The council undertook a first round of public consultation for twelve weeks from 3 May to 26 July 2019.

Following the consultation, the council set up a Community Partnership Forum with representatives from a Community Consortium who submitted an alternative plan to the consultation.

The aim of the forum was to better align the draft masterplan with the alternative plan.

The council undertook a second round of public consultation between 4 March and 15 April 2022 to enable the wider community, beyond the forum, to comment on the redrafted masterplan.

The Edgbaston Reservoir Masterplan Consultation Statement provides a summary of the formal engagement undertaken whilst producing the SPD and demonstrates how the issues raised have been addressed in the adopted version.

Edgbaston Reservoir Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document - Consultation Statement

The council has produced a 10-minute video which provides an overview of the main themes raised during the consultation undertaken in 2022. It also provides a summary of how the masterplan has or has not been amended in response to the consultation.

Additional Documents

Below you will find the supporting documentation and evidence base used to inform the SPD production:

In all planning documents we produce, we always ensure we have the appropriate contact details including the email address and telephone number, and state that the city council will communicate documents in a suitable way to all audiences.

In addition to the online documents, requests for a document in alternative formats will be considered on a case-by-case basis including large print, another language, and type talk.

Once specific requests are made via email or a phone call planning officers act within a reasonable timeframe (normally 14 working days), to ensure all reasonable customer requests are met and are recorded to comply with the Planning and Regeneration Customer Charter.