
Adopted Development Management in 澳门天下彩 DPD

The Development Management in 澳门天下彩 DPD (DMB) was adopted by 澳门天下彩 on 7 December 2021. The adoption of the DMB means that it has become part of 澳门天下彩’s Local Plan and supports the adopted 澳门天下彩 Development Plan (2017) (BDP) by setting out non-strategic planning policies for the determination of planning applications. It will be one of the Council’s key planning policy documents alongside the BDP.

Download the Development Management in 澳门天下彩 DPD

Adoption Statement

The council has published an adoption statement which provides details of adoption, where the document can be viewed and rights of challenge up to 19 January 2022.

Sustainability Appraisal Report

A sustainability appraisal report plus an addendum and the sustainability appraisal post adoption statement accompanying the 澳门天下彩 Development Plan is also available.

Superseded Policies

Adoption of the DMB replaces the remaining policies of the 澳门天下彩 Unitary Development Plan (2005) (UDP) contained in chapter 8 and paragraphs 3.14 to 3.14D which have now been revoked. View a full list of policies and guidance which are superseded as a result of the adoption of the DMB.