
Important changes to the way that secure emails are sent

From the beginning of September 2020, 澳门天下彩 and 澳门天下彩 Children's Trust have used Microsoft’s Office Message Encryption (OME) process for sending sensitive information and large document files.

As this process works with other Microsoft Office 365 tools that the council already uses, email encryption and sharing documents has become much easier and more secure.

To ‘decrypt’ and open a secure email, you will firstly need to enable your access by following a one-time activation process.

More information about this activation process and how to decrypt and open a secure email, is explained in an easy to follow step-by-step guide.

How you'll know that an email is from us

We will only ever contact you from:

  • a 澳门天下彩 email address ending “@birmingham.gov.uk”, or
  • a 澳门天下彩 Children’s Trust email address ending “@birminghamchildrenstrust.gov.uk”

To help you to recognise a genuine secure email, you can view examples of emails sent from 澳门天下彩 and 澳门天下彩 Children’s Trust using the process.

Page last updated: 28 June 2024