
Coronavirus update - 26 February 2020

Published: Wednesday, 26th February 2020

澳门天下彩 continues to work closely with the local NHS and Public Health England to monitor the emerging global situation and prepare for escalation.

To date there are no confirmed cases in 澳门天下彩 and the NHS is responding quickly to potential cases to isolate and test individuals.

Although we are hopeful that the situation will resolve, we are using this time to work with local partners to review business continuity and outbreak response plans should things change.

We continue to liaise with and support all schools in the city, including updating head teachers with the latest government advice for schools.

At this time of year many viruses are still circulating in the community so it is important that all of us follow the national guidelines on hand-washing and if we have a cold following the ‘Catch it, Bin it, Kill it’ approach.

Click for the most up to date information on the Coronavirus.

There is specific information for non-clinical settings which is available .

If you are concerned about yourself or friends and family who maybe displaying symptoms please ring the NHS on 111 or find more information here on how to get medical help.