
Cabinet report on next steps for SEND support service

Published: Friday, 5th May 2023

A report to cabinet outlines progress and the future direction for SENDIASS, the service that seeks to offer independent advice and guidance for parents of children and young people with SEND.

The council has taken swift action to address the concerns and improve the service to better support parents, carers and families, following an independent review of the service by the National Children's Bureau in Spring 2022.

The council is proposing to build on the improvements that have already been made and to continue to manage the service as part of the children and families directorate.

Councillor Karen McCarthy, Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families, said: "We remain committed to SENDIASS and are pleased to see the improvements made in recent months. We recognise the importance of this service in offering impartial advice and guidance to families, and we want to ensure that we continue to provide a compliant and effective service to our community."

The report to cabinet outlines the progress made by SENDIASS against the action plan and provides a detailed account of the council's commitment to providing a compliant and effective service to families.

SENDIASS remains an essential part of the SEND system in 澳门天下彩, and the council is committed to ensuring that the service is fully compliant and that families receive the support they need.

The on 16 May.