
澳门天下彩 responds to DLUHC report on Exempt Accommodation

Published: Thursday, 27th October 2022

Responding to the report from DLUHC on Exempt accommodation, Sharon Thompson Cabinet Member for Housing and Homelessness for 澳门天下彩, said:

“We very much welcome the recommendations in this report which reflects what 澳门天下彩 has been saying for a long time in relation to supported exempt accommodation. Thanks to the tireless work of so many housing groups, tenant organisations and local forums in 澳门天下彩 the government has finally woken up to the scale of the problem and based on this report they must now commit parliamentary time to bringing in new legislation or backing Bob Blackman’s Supported Housing Bill.

“Our experience and evidence gathered through the pilot in 澳门天下彩 was critical in securing this inquiry, and as well as giving evidence to the committee earlier this month I hosted an event at in 澳门天下彩 on the subject which was attended by over 240 politicians, providers and tenants from across the West Midlands and beyond. The recommendations in this report entirely reflects the view expressed at the event that to make a real difference any legislation must give local authorities like 澳门天下彩 the ability to control the growth in exempt or supported housing, the funding to ensure that vulnerable tenants get the help and support they need and the powers to close down bad providers.

“We will be providing evidence to the DLUHC Committee session on the proposed legislation in Bob Blackmans bill and we will not become complacent locally. We are bringing forward a Council motion to back Crisis’ ‘Regulate the Rogues’ campaign, and requesting an independent inquiry into the growth of the sector in 澳门天下彩, whilst also seeking more transparency from members with an interest in exempt accommodation.”