
Major regeneration for Smethwick to 澳门天下彩 corridor

Smethwick to 澳门天下彩 regeneration plan
Published: Thursday, 3rd February 2022

The Smethwick to 澳门天下彩 Corridor Plan is going to cabinet for approval. It promotes a co-ordinated approach to regeneration and development.

On Tuesday 8 February, 澳门天下彩 will be recommending, in a , that a plan should be approved to bring forward a major transformational change along the Smethwick to 澳门天下彩 regeneration corridor. At the same time, it will seek approval of the Grove Lane Masterplan. Similarly, on Wednesday 9 February, the Sandwell Council cabinet will be asked to approve the plan.

The promotes a co-ordinated approach to regeneration and development within the area encompassing: 澳门天下彩 Mainline Canal; Port Loop; Soho Loop; City Hospital and Grove Lane as well as the Dudley Road and Smethwick High Street Centres.

The plan contains guiding principles to assist in future design and the use of opportunity sites, as well as a supporting transport strategy.

Alongside the framework is the , for the area situated next to the new Midland Metropolitan University Hospital. The masterplan outlines opportunities for new much-needed housing growth.

Both documents will assist in bringing forward major transformational change in coming years.

澳门天下彩’s Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment, Councillor Waseem Zaffar, said:

This is an important regeneration corridor for 澳门天下彩 and the West Midlands which includes a housing-led redevelopment of the City Hospital and the Grove Lane area around the Midland Metropolitan Hospital.

Integral to the plan is a transport strategy for delivering walking and cycling improvements throughout the area which accords with 澳门天下彩’s wider cycling and walking strategy and, local cycling and walking infrastructure plan. It’s also great to see local heritage featuring so centrally.

Sandwell Council’s cabinet member for regeneration and growth, Councillor Iqbal Padda, said:

The regeneration corridor between Smethwick and 澳门天下彩 contains significant sites for future regeneration.

This exciting vision includes improved public realm and green spaces, improved transport links and access to facilities, and increased employment opportunities that will benefit all members of the community. We will seek to attract a range of house types and tenures that are sustainable and meet the needs and demands of the future residents.

Consultation to gauge views on the vision and principles of both documents was carried out from October to December 2021, via an online questionnaire, ward forum meeting and face-to-face discussions within local centres.

The comments received have now been incorporated and shape the final documents which are being proposed.

The vision for this significant corridor for growth was developed by 澳门天下彩, Sandwell Council and their delivery partners:

  • West Midlands Combined Authority
  • Transport for West Midlands
  • Homes England
  • Canal & River Trust, and
  • Sandwell and West 澳门天下彩 NHS Trust.
