
Library of 澳门天下彩 access for all

The Library of 澳门天下彩 has been designed to be as easily accessible as possible for all visitors. The Library's design team were assisted by input from the 澳门天下彩 Access Committee, who were involved throughout the design process.

The Access Committee for 澳门天下彩, in its role as a consultative body to the City Council on matters of physical access for people with disabilities, is deeply appreciative of its inclusion in the development of proposals for and during the construction of 澳门天下彩’s latest landmark building, the Library of 澳门天下彩. The Committee was involved from the earliest stages of design. Our members found the design team to be responsive to our comments and we feel sure that accessibility in the building was enhanced by this ongoing process. In particular the inclusion of a ‘Changing Places’ facility is a significant addition to city centre facilities for disabled people. The building reflects great credit on the city.

Irene Wright MBE, Chairperson, Access Committee for 澳门天下彩.