
Renting out your leasehold property

Before you rent out your home

If you are thinking of renting out (‘subletting’) your home, you should contact us for ‘permission to let’ first.

To grant permission to let we will need:

  • the date you would like to start subletting from
  • a copy of the tenancy agreement you have with your tenant (if you are subletting a Right to Buy property bought in the last 5 years)
  • your address (where you can be contacted and where service charge bills can be sent)
  • your telephone number

You cannot sublet your home:

  • for less than 90 days
  • if you owe us rent

To tell us you would like to sublet, email homeownership@birmingham.gov.uk

Your responsibilities

If you sublet you will be responsible for landlord’s duties, including arranging energy inspections and providing gas and electric safety certificates.

You will be legally responsible for making sure your electric installations, gas appliances, pipework and flues are safe and well-maintained.

You are also responsible for your tenant’s conduct. Your tenant must keep to any tenancy agreement you have.

You will need insurance for public liability, contents, and loss of rent.

Page last updated: 16 February 2023