
Planning and Sustainable Drainage

The risk of flooding is a key consideration in any new development.

The links to key policies and supporting documents on this page ensure that flood risk in new developments is appropriately managed, both in respect of the risk of flooding to a particular proposed development and any increased risk of flooding to surrounding and downstream areas.

Planning policies and supporting documents

Sustainable Drainage Systems

Local planning policy and decisions on major developments (10 dwellings or more; or equivalent non-residential or mixed development) are expected to ensure that SuDS for the management of runoff are put in place. In addition to this there is an expectation in national planning policy that all developments in areas at risk of flooding should give priority to the use of SuDS.

What does this mean for developers?

Developers should:

  • Consider SuDS at the earliest opportunity to minimise the risk of later design conflicts.
  • Refer to the Sustainable Drainage: Guide to Design, Adoption and Maintenance.
  • Consider whether to seek pre-application advice from the LLFA, this is charged on a cost-recovery basis. If seeking pre-application advice a Sustainable Drainage Evaluation should be provided to the LLFA.
  • Provide a Sustainable Drainage Assessment and a Sustainable Drainage Operation and Maintenance Plan when submitting a planning application for major development. Failure to provide either of these documents may result in your planning application being invalidated.