
Report dog fouling

It is an offence for a person in charge of a dog to fail to clear up after their dog, should it foul on any land to which the public have access. Any person caught not clearing up commits an offence under The Fouling of Land by Dogs Order 2017 and is liable to receive a fixed penalty notice of £100.

Tell us what you need

If you need relevant signage to be affixed on the lamp posts, or can provide information on times of offences or details of offenders then report a dog fouling issue

For additional cleaning of the pavement then request street cleansing

If your request relates to the accumulation of dog faeces in a neighbouring private garden then report an odour nuisance.

Any issues in relation to dogs that are fouling on council housing land, including communal gardens, drying areas, lifts, stairwells etc then report to housing.

How you can help

Catching offenders can be difficult. Any information you give us will be confidential.

Please provide us with details if known of any alleged offender, but do not challenge or follow the person.

  • Keep a note of the day and approximate times that the dog fouling is occurring. Many offences occur early morning or evening, but it’s very useful to us if we know which.
  • A description of the person in charge of the dog and the type of dog they were walking.
  • Did they arrive in a vehicle – if so what colour and type and is this a regular occurrence?