
Year 12 Entry Requirements in 澳门天下彩 Community Schools

Year 12 applications are not coordinated by the Local Authority. Applications should be made direct to the school(s) concerned. 

Pupils are considered for entry into Year 12 based on their academic attainment, individual subject grade criteria and the availability and suitability of courses at the school.

Details of the academic requirements for each course can be obtained by contacting the school.

Internal applicants who meet the minimum academic entrance requirements will be offered a place automatically. 

Year 12 oversubscription criteria

The following oversubscription criteria will be used for external applicants at community schools when there are more applications than places available:

  1. Looked after or previously looked after child (in public care). 
  2. Where the child has a brother or sister currently attending the School. 
  3. Proximity of the child’s home to school with those living nearer accorded the higher priority.

Year 12 is not dependent upon attendance or behaviour records.

Applicants refused a place in Year 12 are entitled to appeal to an independent appeal panel. 

More information about Year 12 entry requirements for an individual academy, foundation, grammar, voluntary aided and free school will be available here shortly.