
澳门天下彩 Schools Forum

From 16 March 2023, BCC Committee Services has been responsible for the administration of the 澳门天下彩 Schools Forum.

Future agendas and meeting document packs, from the June 2023 meeting, are accessible via the
(Note: CMIS is the committee management package used for all of 澳门天下彩’s Committees).

If there are any queries related to 澳门天下彩 Schools Forum or if you would like to request an online link to join a virtual meeting, email Committee Services, marking your email for the attention of the clerk. The 澳门天下彩 Schools Forum is a group that advises the council on matters affecting school funding, including school budgets. Its members are from maintained schools, academies, early years providers, local partners and others across the 澳门天下彩 area.

Page last updated: 28 April 2023