
Assisted waste collection

About our assisted waste collection service

When you have an assisted waste collection service, our bin crew will collect your bin and empty it for you. This means you do not need to move the bin to the kerbside collection point or return it to your property after the collection.

You do not need to be in or talk to us for the collection to take place.

This is a free service. The service is linked to your address, so if you move you will need to reapply from your new address.

Length of time the collection will run for

You can sign up for the service for 3, 6 or 12 months, or you can request it ongoing for the future. If you request an ongoing service, we will contact you every 2 years to make sure that you still need it.

Where your bin should be on collection day

Your bin should be visible from the road.

We know that sometimes neighbours may take your bin to the kerbside for you. However, if they do this, ask them to also return it, as the bin crew will not return it to your preferred location.

Who can use this service

You can use this service if you have mobility issues and no one over the age of 16 lives with you who could put your bin out.

We will not ask you for ID during the application process.

We may visit your household to assess your need for this service.

What happens when you have signed up for this service

If you know in advance you will be needing this service, for example, if you have an operation booked, it is a good idea to sign up a week or so before you need it.

When you have signed up, you will receive a call from us. We will let you know when your assisted collections will begin. We may ask you for some information about why you need the service.

Apply for assisted waste collection

This service covers household waste, recycling and also garden waste if you have signed up for this collection too. You do not need to apply for each collection separately.

You will need an online BRUM account to apply for an assisted collection. Create an account if you don't already have one.

Apply for an assisted collection

Last updated: 22 September 2022