
Noticeboard 3 November 2022

We hope you've enjoyed a good half-term break and welcome once again to this week's noticeboard containing information on Oracle, Tax-Free Childcare, the SEND Improvement Quarterly Update and a plethora of training sessions and webinars for you to choose!

Read more about Noticeboard 3 November 2022

Noticeboard 20 October 2022

Welcome to this week's noticeboard which contains a link to access a webinar on Surplus Primary places being held on 17 November, information on Tier 4 Visa and a variety of training courses available to attend. Wishing you a restful Autumn break!

Read more about Noticeboard 20 October 2022

Noticeboard 13 October 2022

Welcome to this week's noticeboard which contains a link to book onto the new BCC and BEP School Briefings, a reminder for Year 7 and 14-19 Admissions September 2023, new DfE School Attendance Guidance, information on DLP newsletters and more!

Read more about Noticeboard 13 October 2022

Noticeboard 6 October 2022

This week's noticeboard contains information on the new School Admission Appeals Code 2022 and Updated Non-statutory Guidance; a reminder to kindly complete the DfE Statutory School Census - Autumn 2022; and much more!

Read more about Noticeboard 6 October 2022


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